Dr. Ruben Berrocal Timmons
Areas of Care:
-Regenerative Medicine
-Pain Management
Ruben B. Timmons, M.D., president and lead physician of Regenerative Medicine and Pain Management Physicians, PLLC, has been practicing medicine for over 25 years. He holds double board certifications in interventional pain medicine and anesthesiology. He attended Purdue University as an undergraduate. He completed residencies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, in Anesthesiology and Pain Management and Pediatrics at the University of Florida.
He was founder of Comprehensive Pain Medicine and functioned as president and was instrumental in the training of many physicians in interventional pain medicine throughout the United States.
In 2010, Dr. Timmons was appointed Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation for the country of Panama. During his five years in that position he worked with pioneering advancements in the field of stem cell research. He helped to establish a comprehensive stem cell law that provided a framework for the ethical practice of conducting clinical investigations using human stem cells. He authored guidelines for conducting clinical research with human stem cells in human subjects and established a national investigational review board in Panama for reviewing and overseeing lawful clinical investigations that utilized stem cells from sources approved within the established guidelines.
Here in the United States, Dr. Timmons works with universities and labs to further develop and improve regenerative medicine. He has publications on ortho-biologic treatments and recently completed an IRB-approved 40-subject study of amniotic membrane allograft injections for knee osteoarthritis.
Dr. Timmons’ practice focuses on treatments for the spine, musculoskeletal, and orthopedic injuries. He aims to optimize healing treatments that may allow the patient to return to activities of daily living, work, exercise, and sports while improving the overall quality of living. The goal of his treatments is to avoid surgery and to minimize the use of steroids, opioids and other medicines that come with deleterious side effects. His clinical skills include fluoroscopically-guided, as well as ultrasound-guided, minimally invasive outpatient procedures. His experience with injection treatments include ortho-biologics and other regenerative treatments.
Medical Education
Medical Certifications
Florida Medical Society
American Medical Society
Spinal Injection Society
North American Spine Society
Areas of Research
Biomarkers for neurodegenerative disorders
Natural products as neuro protectants
Stem Cell in Clinical applications
Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration
Research Biological Technologies
Research in biologics and genomics, Republic of Panama
Major Publications
- Citation: Timmons, R.B.; Sugaya, K.; Bane, L.D. Homologous Use of Allogeneic Umbilical Cord Tissue to Reduce Knee Pain and Improve Knee Function. Life 2022, 12, 260. https:// doi.org/10.3390/life12020260
- Ruben Berrocal Timmons, MD , Neal E. Fearnot, Lori Bane Retrospective Chart Review of Cryopreserved Amniotic Membrane for Knee Pain Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine 2020, 3(1):1-10.
- Berrocal Timmons R, Fearnot N, Leckrone, M. Chart Review Study of Subjects Administered Amnionic Membrane for Treatment of Joint Pain. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy Vol. 12 (3) 212-217, July 2018
- Watters III WC, Bono CM, Gilbert TJ, Kreiner DS, Mazanec DJ, Shaffer WO, Baisden J, Easa JE, Fernand R, Ghiselli G, Heggeness MH, Mendel R, O’Neill C, Reitman CA, Resnick DK, Summers JT, Timmons R, Toton J. NASS Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines for Spine Care. Diagnosis and Treatment of Degenerative Lumbar Spondylolisthesis. Burr Ridge, IL; North American Spine Society; 2008.
- Bono CM, Ghiselli G, Gilbert TJ, Kreiner Ds, Reitman CA, Summers JT, Baisden J, Fernand R, Lamer T, Matz P, Mazanec DJ, Resnick DK, Shaffer WO, Sharma A, Timmons R, Titon J. NASS Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines for Spine Care. Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Radiculopathy from Degenerative Disorders. Burr Ridge, IL; Nort American Spine Society: 2010.
- Mustak MS, Hegde ML, Dinesh A, Britton GB, Berrocal Timmons R, Subba Rao K, Shamasundar NM, Rao KS, Sathyanarayana Rao TS, Evidence of altered DNA integrity in the brain regions of suicidal victims of Bipolar Depression, Indian J Psychiatry. 2010, 52(3):220-8
- Dalton R, Panama’s Big Ambition, Nature, 26 January 2011, 469, 462-464 (Interview of Dr. Ruben Berrocal)
- K. Ananda Krishna, K.Sai Krishna, Berrocal Timmons R, K.S. Rao and K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao, Myocardial Infarction and Stem cells, J Pharmacy and Bioallied Science, 2011, 3(2), 183-1883.
- Berrocal Timmons R, Panama: Forging A Path toward International Science Hub, J Alzheimers Dis, 2011, 24 (2), 3-4
- K. Ananda Krishna, K.Sai Krishna, Berrocal Timmons R, K.S. Rao and K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao, A review on therapeutic potential of embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells in hepatic repair, J of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine, 2011 Jul;2(2):141-4.
- Rodriguez JP, Murphy MP, Hong S, Madrigal M, March KL, Minev B, Harman RJ, Chen CS, Timmons RB, Marleau AM, Riordan NH. Autologous stromal vascular fraction therapy for rheumatoid arthritis: rationale and clinical safety, Int Arch Med. 2012 Feb 8;5:5.
- Gupta VB, Monica FS, Berrocal Timmons R, Rao KS, Rao KS. Studies on the mechanism of the DNA nicking property of amyloid-β40: implications in Alzheimer’s disease, J Alzheimers Dis. 2013, 33(4):1059-71.
- Kiminobu Sugaya, Ruben Berrocal Timmons and Tonia Patch, Use of Peripheral Blood Stem Cells in Tissue Engineering, Current Tissue Engineering, 2013, 1(1), 63 – 74.
- Berrocal Timmons R, Vasudevaraju P, Indi SS, Sambasiva Rao KRS,and Rao KS, Centella asiatica (Hydrocotyle asiatica) aqueous extract modulates α-synuclein aggregation dynamics- in vitro evidences, J Alzheimer’s Dis (in press) 2013.
- Berrocal Timmons R,Velmarini V, Sambasiva Rao, Baharthi R, Rao KS, Alpha-Synuclein misfolding vs aggregation in Parkinsonn’s disease: Crosstalk Models, Mol Neurobiol, 2014
- Johant J,* Berrocal Timmons R,* Durant AA, Rao KS, Polyphenols as Therapeutic Molecules in Alzeimer’s Disease through modulating amyloid pathways, Mol Neurobiol 2014
- Berrocal Timmons R, Rao TSS, Sambasiva Rao K, Rao KS, Biomarkers in Parkinson’s Disease, Biomarkers 2014